

BULHANGROUP – Mareegta Af-Soomaaliga

Ku soo dhawoow BULHANGROUP.

Waxaan rabnaa in la hormariyo afka Soomaaliga. Ujeeddadeennu waa in la helo karti iyo hufnaan lagu ilaaliyo af Soomaaliga oo ku dhisan cilmi.

Mareegtaan waa meel laga heli karo warbixinno, qoraallo, sawiro iyo muuqaallo ka kooban cod iyo arag oo xiiso leh oo loogu talagalay dhallinyarada iyo dad shisheeyaha ah ee doonaya inay sahamiyaan oo bartaan afkaan hodanka ah.  Af-Soomaaliga, oo ay ku hadlaan malaayiin qof oo ku baahsan Geeska Afrika iyo qurbaha,

Haddii aad barato afkaaga hodan ah, waxay kuu sahlaysaa barashada suugaanta, dhaqanka iyo hiddaha ay caanka ku yihiin dadka Soomaalidu.  Barashada Af-Soomaaligu waxay kuu furaysaa duni cusub. Aqoon la’aani waa iftiin la’aane.

BULHANGROUP, waxaan aaminsanahay in afku uu san ahayn oo qura habka isgaarsiinta.  Aragtideennu waa in aan abuurno bulsho ku hadasha ama qori karta af-Soomaaliga kuwaas oo isku kalsoon oo ku faani kara afkooda, isla markaana ka qayb qaadan doona ilaalinta iyo fidinta Af-Soomaaliga.

In la helo fahan fiican oo ku saabsan sababta uu hoos ugu dhacay qoraalka soomaaligu. Waxaad maanta ku arki kartaa internet-ka guud ahaan siiba baraha bulshada in qorista iyo ku hadalka soomaaligu uu marayo meel hoose, siiba habka nahwaha iyo ereyada loo isticmaalo maalin kasta iyo waliba isticmaalka ereyada shisheeye oo lagu barxo hadalka iyo qoraalka.

Haddii aad tahay soomaali ama shisheeye ku dadaal oo dhowr dhismaha afka. BULHANGROUP waxay halkaan u joogtaa inay kugu taageerto tallaabo kasta oo aad qaadeyso. Sahami oo ku xirnow quruxda Af-Soomaaliga. Nagu soo biir maanta oo ka mid noqo in la illaaliyo af-Soomaaliga si uu u sii noolaado mustaqalka oo u noqdo hantida carruurta iyo sharafta dadka soomaaliyeed.

Ku soo dhawow BULHANGROUP




WELCOME TO BULHANGROUP – The Somali Language Website


We aim to promote the Somali language. Our goal is to achieve proficiency and excellence in preserving the Somali language based on knowledge.

This site is a place where you can find interesting information, articles, pictures, and videos that combine audio and visual elements, designed for young people and foreigners who want to explore and learn this rich language. Somali is spoken by millions of people across the Horn of Africa and the diaspora.

Learning your rich language makes it easier to understand the literature, culture, and heritage that the Somali people are known for. Learning Somali opens up a new world for you. Knowledge is light.

At BULHANGROUP, we believe that language is not just a means of communication. Our vision is to create a community that speaks or writes Somali confidently and proudly, contributing to the preservation and expansion of the Somali language.

To gain a good understanding of why Somali writing has declined, you can see today on the internet, especially on social media, that Somali writing and speaking are at a low level, particularly in the use of grammar and everyday vocabulary, as well as the use of foreign words mixed into speech and writing.

Whether you are Somali or a foreigner, strive to protect and uphold the structure of the language. BULHANGROUP is here to support you every step of the way. Explore and connect with the beauty of the Somali language. Join us today and be part of preserving Somali so it continues to live on for future generations, becoming a treasure for children and a source of pride for the Somali people.


Soo noqod Wacan!

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